Torah Riddles Test #7

  1. Question: Why is it forbidden to take a sefer and put it underneath the Sefer you are learning from to prop it up in order to learn better but if the Sefer is already on the table you can put your Sefer on it so you can see better?


(A) The Taz (Yoreh Deah 243:19:13) says it is a greater disgrace of a Sefer to take it and use it as a shtender to prop up the Sefer you are learning from then to hold it on your lap even while learning, as it says in the Rema si’if 7, but if the bottom Sefer was already on the table it is definitely permissible to place the second Sefer on top of it.

Answer: By actively taking the Sefer to use it as a shtender that is blatantly showing disrespect whereas just putting the Sefer down on one that is already on the table isn’t a show of disrespect and therefore is definitely permitted.

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