Rabbi Dovid Shmuel Milder was born and raised in Kendall, FL, a suburb of Miami. He grew up in a traditional conservative home he was active in athletic programs in his local JCC and in USY.
Having a craving for the truth and a thirst for the Torah, Rabbi Milder was inspired in his early teens to explore deeper his Jewish faith. NCSY became a major thrust in his life, but in eleventh grade he made the switch to Yeshiva Toras Chaim, currently in North Miam Beach, and a branch of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens.
He spent the next fourteen years of his life dedicated to learning Torah in the Chofetz Chaim network including 3 years in their branches in Israel. Rabbi Milder spent a year teaching Torah to Harvard and MIT students in Cambridge, MA with Rabbi Berish Ganz and the Jewish Heritage Initiative.
Rabbi Milder’s life long aim is to share the sweetness and profundity of Torah to Jews of all ages and all backgrounds. He enjoys taking the depth of Torah and breaking it down for anyone to understand and appreciate it without watering down its essence or diluting its message. He loves challenging people and encouraging them to think. His main goal in life is just to do the will of G-D, striving for truth and perfection.