- Question: Why isn’t there a difference between lefties and righties when putting up a mezuzah as there is when putting on tefillin?
A. Lefties put tefillin on their right arm and righties but tefillin on their left arm.
B. Rebbe Akiva Aiger quoting a Mordechai says that even if one’s stronger leg is his left one, that is what he normally comes in with (meaning he starts walking with his left foot, so when walking through a doorway he would assumingly step in starting with his left foot) still the mezuzah should be placed on the right side and it is not like tefillin.
C. Most people in the world are righties.
Answer: Rebbe Akiva Aiger answers in Yoreh Deah 289:2 that mezuzah is protection for everyone in the household not just for the one who puts up the mezuzah.